question bank

Distributed Systems Question Bank CS6601 Regulation 2013 Anna University

Distributed Systems Question Bank

Distributed Systems Question Bank CS6601 Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. CS6601 Question Bank free pdf download.

Sample Distributed Systems Question Bank:

PART-B (16 marks)
1. a. Explain the Communication between distributed objects (8)
b. Explain in detail about Events and Notifications (8)
2. Explain in detail about Remote Procedure call with a case study (16)
3. Describe java RMI (16)
4. Explain about the group communication (16)
5. Describe about the client server communication (16)
6. a. Explain characteristics of interprocess communication. (8)
b. Explain UDP datagram communication (8)
7. Explain the various type communications. (16)
PART – A (2 marks)
1.What are core OS Components?
2. What is meant by cluster?
3. Define Thread.
4. What is meant by address space?
5. What is meant by invocation performance?
6. Difference between monolithic and micro kernels
7. What is meant by cryptography?
8. What is the use of cryptography?
9. What is meant by distributed file system?
10. What are the different types of distributed file system available?
11. Define metadata.

PART-B (16 marks)
1. Explain Processes and threads (16)
2. Explain Communication and invocation (16)
3. Describe Operating system architecture (16)
4. Explain the different types of cryptographic algorithm (16)
5. Explain Global States and distributed debugging (16)
6. Explain the algorithms for mutual exclusion (16)
7. a. Discuss about threads in distributed systems (8)
b. Discuss about the distributed file system. (8)
8. Explain about the file server architecture. (16)
9. Explain about the Andrew file system. (16)
PART – A (2 marks)
1. What is the Name Spaces?
2. What is the domain name system?
3. Define directory services
4. What is the Berkeley algorithm?
5. Define global State.
6. What is the election algorithm?
PART – B (16 marks)
1. Explain in detail about Name services (16)
2. Discuss in detail about domain name services. (16)
3. Explain the case study of Global name services. (16)
4. Explain the case study of X.500 directory services. (16)
5. Explain about the Events and process state. (16)

Subject Name Distributed Systems
Subject code CS6601
Regulation 2013

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Distributed Systems Syllabus

Distributed Systems notes

CS6601 Important questions

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Antenna and Wave propagation Question Bank EC6602 Regulation 2013 Anna University

Antenna and Wave propagation Question Bank

Antenna and Wave propagation Question Bank EC6602 Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EC6602 Question Bank free pdf download.

Sample Antenna and Wave propagation Question Bank:

2 Marks

1. Define a Hertzian dipole?

2. Draw the radiation pattern of a horizontal dipole?

3. What do you mean by induction field and radiation field?

4. What is magnetic vector Potential?

5. Define scalar Potential?

6. What is Retarded Current?

7. Write down the expression for magnetic vector Potential using three standard current distributions?

8. Define top loading?

9. What is a capacitance hat?

10. What is quarter wave monopole?

11. Write down the expression for radiated fields of a half wave dipole antenna?

12. What is the effective aperture and directivity of a half wave dipole?

13. What is the effective aperture and directivity of a Hertzian dipole antenna?

14. Write down the expression for radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole?

15. Define retardation time?

16. What is radiation resistance of a half wave dipole?

17. Compare electric scalar potential and magnetic vector potential?

16 marks

1. Derive the expression for the radiated field from a short dipole? (16)

2. Starting from first principles obtain the expression for the power radiated by a half wave dipole? (16)

3. Derive the expression for power radiated and find the radiation resistance of a half wave dipole? (16)

4. Derive the radian resistance, Directivity and effective aperture of a half wave dipole? (10)

5. Derive the fields radiated from a quarter wave monopole antenna? (8)

6. Find the radiation resistance of elementary dipole with linear
current distribution? (8)

7. Derive the radiation resistance, Directivity and effective
aperture of a hertzian dipole? (10)

Subject Name Antenna and Wave propagation
Subject code EC6602
Regulation 2013

EC6602 Question Bank Click here to download

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EC6602 Notes

Antenna and Wave propagation Important questions

question bank

VLSI Design Question Bank EC6601 Regulation 2013 Anna University

VLSI Design Question Bank EC6601

VLSI Design Question Bank EC6601 Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EC6601 Question Bank pdf file download VLSI Design Question Bank.

Sample VLSI Design Question Bank:

1.How path can be implemented in VLSI system?

A data path is best implemented in a bit –sliced fashion. A single layout is used respectively for every bit in the data word. This regular approach eases the design effort and results in fast and dense layouts.

2.Comment on performance of ripple carry adder.

A ripple carry adder has a performance that is linearly proportional to the number of bits. Circuit optimizations concentrate on reducing the delay of the carry path. A number of circuit topologies exist providing that careful optimization of the circuit topology and the transistor
sizes helps to reduce the capacitance on the carry bit.

3.What is the logic of adder for increasing its performance ?

Other adder structures use logic optimizations to increase the performance (carry bypass, carry select, carry lookahead). Performance increase comes at the cost area.

4.What is multiplier circuit ?

A multiplier is nothing more than a collection of cascaded adders. Critical path is far more complex and optimizations are different compared to adders.

5.Which factors dominate the performance of programmable shifter ?

The performance and the area of a programmable shifter are dominated by the wiring.

6.What is meant by data path ?

A datapath is a functional units, such as arithmetic logic units or multipliers, that perform data processing operations, registers and buses. Along with the control unit it composes the central processing unit.


Subject Name VLSI Design
Subject code EC6601
Regulation 2013

EC6601 question Bank click here to download

EC6601 Syllabus

VLSI Design Notes

VLSI Design Important questions


question bank

Computer Architecture Question Bank CS6303 Regulation 2013 Anna University

Computer Architecture Important questions Syllabus CS6303

Computer Architecture Question Bank CS6303 Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. CS6303 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample Computer Architecture Question Bank:


PART-A Computer Architecture Question Bank
1. What is meant by data path element?
2. What is the use of PC register?
3. What is meant by register file?
4. What are the two state elements needed to store and access an instruction?
5. Draw the diagram of portion of datapath used for fetching instruction.
6. Define – Sign Extend and Vector interupts
7. What is meant by branch target address?
8. Differentiate branch taken from branch not taken.
9. What is meant by delayed branch?
10. Write the instruction format for the jump instruction.
11. What are hazards? Write its types.
12. What is meant by forwarding?
13. What is pipeline stall?
14. What is meant by branch prediction?
15. What are the 5 pipeline stages?
16. What are exceptions and interrupts?
17. What is meant by pipelining?
18. What are the five steps in MIPS instruction execution?
19. What are the three instruction classes and their instruction formats?
20. Write the formula for calculating time between instructions in a pipelined

PART B Computer Architecture Question Bank

1. Explain the basic MIPS implementation of instruction set
2. Explain the basic MIPS implementation with necessary multiplexers and control lines
3. What is control hazards ?Explain the methods for dealing with the control hazards.
4. Discuss the influence of pipelining in details.

Subject Name Computer Architecture
Subject Code CS6303
Regulation 2013

CS6303 Question Bank click here to download

Computer Architecture Syllabus

CS6303 Notes

Computer Architecture Important Questions

question bank

EE6604 Question Bank Design of Electrical Machines Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6604 Question Bank Design of Electrical Machines

EE6604 Question Bank Design of Electrical Machines Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Design of Electrical Machines Question Bank free pdf download.

Sample EE6604 Question Bank:

1. Define transformation ratio.

It is defined as the ratio of secondary terminal voltage to primary terminal voltage.
It is denoted by k.
K = Vs /Vp = Ts / Tp = Ip / Is

2. Name the types of transformer.

Based upon construction, the types are
 Core type and
 shell type transformer
Based on applications, the types are
 Distribution transformers
 Power transformers
 Special transformers
 Instrument transformers
 Electronics transformers
Based on the type of connection, the types are
 Single phase transformer
 Three phase transformer
Based on the frequency range, the types are
 Power frequency transformer
 Audio frequency transformer
 UHF transformers
 Wide band transformers
 Narrow band transformer
 Pulse transformer
Based on the number of windings, the types are
 Auto transformer
 Two winding transformer

3. Define windows space factor or window area constant.

It is defined as the ratio of the are of copper in the window to the window area.
Kw = Ac / Aw < 1
Ac is the area of copper in m2
Aw is the area of window in m2

4. Define iron space factor.

It is defined as the ratio of gross core area to the area of the circumscribing circle.
Kis = Agi / Ace < 1
Agi is the gross core area in m2
Ace is the area of circumscribing circle in m2

5. What is a function of a transformer?

 It increases or decreases the voltage at same frequency.
 It transforms energy from one winding to other winding at constant frequency.
 It is used in electronic circuits with rectifying units to convert ac to dc.
 It provides isolation between to electrical circuits.

Subject Name Design of Electrical Machines
Subject Code EE6604
Regulation 2013

EE6604 question bank click here to download

EE6604 Syllabus

Design of Electrical Machines Notes

Design of Electrical Machines Important Questions


question bank

EE6603 Question Bank Power System Operation and Control Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6603 Question Bank Power System Operation and Control

EE6603 Question Bank Power System Operation and Control Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Power System Operation and Control Question Bank free pdf.

Sample EE6603 Question Bank:

1. What is the major control loops used in large generators?

The major control loops used in large generators are
1. Automatic voltage regulator (AVR)
2. Automatic load frequency control (ALFC).

2. What is the use of secondary loop?

A slower secondary loop maintains the fine adjustment of the frequency, and also by reset action maintains proper MW interchange with other pool members. This loop is insensitive to rapid load and frequency changes but focuses instead on drift like changes which take place over periods of minutes.

3. What is the adv of AVR loop over ALFC?

AVR loop is much faster than the ALFC loop and therefore there is a tendency, for the VR dynamics to settle down before they can make themselves felt in the slower load frequency control channel.

4. What is the diff. between large and small signal analysis?

Large signal analysis is used where voltage and power may undergo sudden changes of magnitude that may approach 100 percent of operating values. Usually this type of analysis leads to differential equations of non-linear type. Small signal anaysis is used when variable excursions are relatively small, typically at most a few percent of normal operating values.

5. What is the exciter?

The exciter is the main component in AVR loop. It delivers the DC power to the generator field. It must have adequate power capacity and sufficient speed of response (rise time less than 0.1 sec).

6. What is the function of AVR?

The basic role of the AVR is to provide constancy of the generator terminal voltage during normal, small and slow changes in the load.

Subject Name Power System Operation and Control
Subject Code EE6603
Regulation 2013

EE6603 Question Bank click here to download

EE6603 Syllabus

Power System Operation and Control Notes

EE6603 Important questions

question bank

EE6602 Question Bank Embedded Systems Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6602 Question Bank Embedded Systems

EE6602 Question Bank Embedded Systems Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Embedded Systems Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample EE6602 Question Bank:

1. What is the need for IDE in an Embedded Architecture? Discuss.

2. Explain the various forms of memory and the functions assigned to them.

3. Explain the software embedded systems

4. Explain the components of exemplary embedded systems

5. Describe the architecture of a typical micro controller with a neat diagram.

6. Explain the basic processors and hardware units in the embedded system

7. Explain how software is embedded into a system

8. Explain the methods used in the embedded system on a chip

9. List the hard ware units that must be present in the embedded systems.

10. i) Explain the Exemplary applications of each type of embedded system.
ii) Explain the different program layers in the embedded software and also the process of
converting a “C” program into the file for ROM image with suitable block diagrams.

11. Explain the Embedded System on Chip (SoC) & in VLSI circuit.

12. i) Explain the various form of memories present in a system
ii) Explain the software tools in designing of an embedded system.

13. Describe the functions of a typical parallel I/O interface with a neat diagram

14. Explain high speed I/O interfacing in detail

15. Write short notes on
(i) Analog to digital converter
(ii) UART

16. Explain the functions of various buses used during transfer

17. Explain the synchronous and asynchronous communications from serial devices

Subject Name Embedded Systems
Subject Code EE6602
Regulation 2013

EE6602 Question Bank click here to download

Embedded Systems Syllabus

EE6602 Notes

Embedded Systems Important Questions

question bank

EE6601 Question Bank Solid State Drives Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6601 Question Bank Solid State Drives

EE6601 Question Bank Solid State Drives Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Solid State Drives Question Bank free pdf download.

Sample EE6601 Question Bank:

1. Explain the operation of a single phase fully controlled rectifier control of a dc separately excited motor.

2. Explain continuous and discontinuous operations.

3. A 200 V,875 rpm,150 A separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 0.06 is fed from a single phase fully controlled restifier with an ac source voltage of 220V,50HZ assuming continuous conuction.calculate i) firing angle for rated motor torque and 750 rpm. ii) firing angle for rated motor torque and (-500 rpm) iii) motor speed for α = 100 degree and rated torque.

4. A separately excited dc motor having an armature resistance of 3 ohms and the inductance of 25 mH is fed from a two pulse bridge rectifier.when the firing angle is 75 degree, the motor has a back emf of 55V.determine the power outout ,input VA ,and power factor.

5. Explain the operation of a single phase fully controlled converter fed separately excited DC motor with neat wave forms and derive the speed torque characteristics.

6. Explain the operation of the two quadrant chopper fed de drive system.

7. Explain the operation of the four quadrant chopper control in dc motor drive system.

8. Explain using a power circuit the working of a single phase semi converter fed separately excited motor drive.

9. A separately excited dc motor operating from a single phase half controlled bridge at a speed of 1450 rpm,has input voltage of 330 sin 314t and a back emf of 75V.the SCRs are fixed symmetrically at α = π/4 in every cycle and the armature has resistance of 5 ohms .neglecting armature inductance. Calculate the average armature current and the developed torque.

Subject Name Solid State Drives
Subject Code EE6601
Regulation 2013

EE6601 Question Bank click here to download

Solid State Drives Syllabus

EE6601 Notes

Solid State Drives Important questions

question bank

EC6651 question bank Communication Engineering Regulation 2013 Anna University

EC6651 question bank Communication Engineering

EC6651 question bank Communication Engineering Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Communication Engineering question bank pdf free download.

Sample EC6651 question bank:

Unit II

1. Explain the operation of a QPSK receiver.

2. Explain the working of a delta modulation system.

3. Derive the expressions for quantization noise in PCM and DM systems.

4. Discuss the generation method of PWM. Explain how will you convert PWM to PPM with diagram.

5. Explain a pulse code modulation system with its block diagram.

6. Explain frequency shift keying method with equations.

7. Discuss the method of modulation and demodulation in MSK, with equations and block diagram.

8. Explain in detail about the FSK modulation and demodulation with block diagram.

9. Explain the operation of binary phase shift keying transmitter

10. Explain the working principle of ASK modulator and detector with neat diagram.

11. State the drawbacks of DM and suggest a method to oversome it.

12. Explain the QPSK modulation with its constellation diagram.

13. Briefly describe the comncept of QAM and draw the constellation diagram of 16-QAM.

14. Explain the generation and demodulation of PWM wave.

15. How does ADM differ from DM? Support your answer with block diagram and waveforms.

16. What is DPCM? Discuss its operation witn required diagrams.

17. Sate and prove sampling theorem.

18. Explain the concept of BPSK and QPSK techniques in data communication.

19. Explain the following quantizers: (a) Mid Tread Quantizer; (b) Mid Riser Quantizer

20. Explain the companding techniques (a) A-law companding ; (b) μ-law companding

21. Explain the transmitter and receiver blocks of GMSK modulation.

22. List out the advantages of digital modulation techniques.

Subject Name Communication Engineering
Subject Code EC6651
Regulation 2013

EC6651 Questions Bank click here to download

Communication Engineering Syllabus

EC6651 Notes

Communication Engineering Important questions

question bank

ME6604 question Bank Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion Regulation 2013 Anna University

ME6604 question Bank Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion

ME6604 question Bank Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion question Bank free pdf download.

Sample ME6604 question Bank:

Part A ME6604 question Bank (2 Marks)

1. State the difference between compressible fluid and incompressible fluid ?

2. Define stagnation pressure?

3. Express the stagnation enthalpy in terms of static enthalpy and velocity of flow?

4. Explain Mach cone and Mach angle?

5. Define adiabatic process?

6. Define Mach number?

7. Define zone of action and zone of silence ?

8. Define closed and open system?

9. What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties?

10. Distinguish between Mach wave and normal shock?

Part B ME6604 question Bank (16 Marks)

1.Air is discharged from a reservoir at po = 6.91 bar and to = 325 C through a nozzle to an exit pressure of 0.98 bar. If the flow rate is 3600 Kg/hr, determine throat area, pressure and velocity at the throat, exit area, exit Mach number and maximum velocity. Consider flow is isentropic. (AU: May 2012, Dec 2009, May 2008)

2.A supersonic diffuser diffuses air in an isentropic flow from a mach number of 3 to a mach number of 1.5. The static conditions of air at inlet are 70 kpa and -7 C. If the mass flow nrate of air is 125 kg/s, determine the stagnation conditions, areas at throat and exit, static
conditions (pressure, temperature, velocity) of air at exit. (AU: May 2012)

3.A supersonic nozzle expands air from Po = 25 bar and T0 = 1050 K to an exit pressure of 4.35 bar: the exit are of the nozzle is 100 cm2. Determine i) throat area ii) pressure and temperature at the throat iii) temperature at exit iv) Exit velocity as fraction of the
maximum attainable velocity v) mass flow rate. (AU: May 2011, May 2010)

4.A conical diffuser has entry and exit diameters of 15 cm and 30 cm respectively. The pressure, temperature and velocity of air at entry are 0.69 bar, 340 K and 180 m/s respectively. Determine i) exit pressure ii) the exit velocity and iii) the force exerted on the diffuser walls assume isentropic flow, γ =1.4, Cp = 1.00 J/Kg K (AU: May 2011, May 2010, May 2009 Dec 2008, Dec 2007)

Subject Name Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion
Subject Code ME6604
Regulation 2013
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ME6604 Notes

Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion important questions