question bank

EE6404 Question Bank Measurements and Instrumentation Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6404 Question Bank Measurements and Instrumentation

EE6404 Question Bank Measurements and Instrumentation Regulation 2013 Anna University.

Sample EE6404 Question Bank:

1. What are the functional elements of an instrument? (2)

2. What is meant by accuracy of an instrument? (2)

3. Define international standard for ohm? (2)

4. What is primary sensing element? (2)

5. What is calibration? (2)

6. Define the terms precision & sensitivity. (2)

7. What are primary standards? Where are they used? (2)

8. When are static characteristics important? (2)

9. What is standard? What are the different types of standards? (2)

10. Define static error. Distinguish reproducibility and repeatability (2)

11. Distinguish between direct and indirect methods of measurements. (2)

12. With one example explain “Instrumental Errors”. (2)

13. Name some static and dynamic characteristics. (2)

14. State the difference between accuracy and precision of a measurement. (2)

15. What are primary and secondary measurements? (2)

16. What are the functions of instruments and measurement systems? (2)

17. What is an error? How it is classified? (2)

18. Classify the standards of measurement? (2)

19. Define standard deviation and average deviation. (2)

20. What are the sources of error? (2)

Part B

1. Describe the functional elements of an instrument with its block diagram. And illustrate them with pressure gauge, pressure thermometer and D’Arsonval galvanometer. (16)

2. What are the three categories of systematic errors in the instrument and explain in detail.

3. (i) What are the basic blocks of a generalized instrumentation system. Draw the various
blocks and explain their functions. (10)

(ii) Explain in detail calibration technique and draw the calibration curve in general. (6)

4. (i) Discuss in detail various types of errors associated in measurement and how these errors can be minimized? (10)

(ii) Define the following terms in the context of normal frequency distribution of data (6)
a) Mean value, b) Deviation, c) Average deviation, d) Variance e) Standard deviation.

5. (i) Define and explain the following static characteristics of an instrument. (8)
a) Accuracy, b) Resolution, c) Sensitivity and d) Linearity

Subject Name Measurements and Instrumentation
Subject Code EE6404
Regulation 2013

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question bank

EE6403 Question Bank Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6403 Question Bank Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing

EE6403 Question Bank Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing Regulation 2013 Anna University free download.

Sample EE6403 Question Bank:

1.What is DFT?

It is a finite duration discrete frequency sequence, which is obtained by sampling one period of Fourier transform. Sampling is done at N equally spaced points over the period extending from w=0 to 2л.

2. Define N point DFT.

The DFT of discrete sequence x(n) is denoted by X(K). It is given by, Here
k=0,1,2…N-1 Since this summation is taken for N points, it is called as N-point DFT.

3. What is DFT of unit impulse δ(n)?

The DFT of unit impulse δ(n) is unity.

4. List the properties of DFT.

Linearity, Periodicity, Circular symmetry, symmetry, Time shift, Frequency shift, complex conjugate, convolution, correlation and Parseval‘s theorem.

5. State Linearity property of DFT.

DFT of linear combination of two or more signals is equal to the sum of linear combination of DFT of individual signal.

6. When a sequence is called circularly even?

The N point discrete time sequence is circularly even if it is symmetric about the point zero on the circle.

7. What is the condition of a sequence to be circularly odd?

An N point sequence is called circularly odd it if is antisymmetric about point zero
on the circle.

8. Why the result of circular and linear convolution is not same?

Circular convolution contains same number of samples as that of x (n) and h (n), while in linear convolution, number of samples in the result (N) are, N=L+M-1 Where L= Number of samples in x (n) M=Number of samples in h (n)

9. What is circular time shift of sequence?

Shifting the sequence in time domain by ‗1‘ samples is equivalent to multiplying the sequence in frequency domain by WNkl

Subject Name Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing
Subject Code EE6403
Regulation 2013

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Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing Syllabus click here

EE6403 notes click here

Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing important questions click here

question bank

EE6402 Question Bank Transmission and Distribution Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6402 Question Bank Transmission and Distribution

EE6402 Question Bank Transmission and Distribution Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample EE6402 Question Bank :

1. What is meant by power supply system?

2. What is meant by Transmission and Distribution system?

3. What are the different types of Power supply system?

4. What are the various components of power supply system?

5. What are the different types of power plants?

6. What are the different operating voltages used for generation, primary and secondary transmission in AC power supply systems in India?

7. Define feeder, distributor and service mains

8. List the advantages of high voltage transmission.

9. State Kelvin’s law.

10. What are the limitations of Kelvin’s law?

11. Name various types of HVDC links.

12.Why all Transmission and Distribution systems are 3 phase systems?

13.Why all overhead lines use ACSR conductors?

14. Why transmission lines are 3 phase 3 wire circuits while distribution lines are 3 phase 4 wire circuits?

15.Write the difference between EHVAC and HVDC transmission systems.

16.State the advantages of ring main systems.

17.State the advantages of interconnected system.

18.What is a ring distributor?

19.What are the advantages and disadvantages of high voltage ac transmission?

20.Why dc transmission is economical and preferable over ac transmission for long distance only?

Subject Name Transmission and Distribution
Subject Code EE6402
Regulation 2013

EE6402 Question Bank Click here to download

EE6402 Syllabus click here

Transmission and Distribution Notes click here

EE6402 Important Questions click here




question bank

CS6456 Question Bank Object Oriented Programming Regulation 2013 Anna University

CS6456 Question Bank Object Oriented Programming

CS6456 Question Bank Object Oriented Programming Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample CS6456 Question Bank:

Part – A

1. Give some characteristics of procedure-oriented language.

2. What are the basic concepts of OOPS?

3. What is an object?

4. What is a class?

5. What is an encapsulation?

6. What is meant by dynamic binding or late binding?

7. Write the process of programming in an object-oriented language?

8. List any four advantages of OOPS.

9. What are the features required for object-based programming language?

10. Give any four applications of the OOPS.

11. What are the operators available in C++?

12. What is a scope resolution operator?

13. What is a default argument?

14. What is constant argument?

15. How the class is specified?

16. How do you create an object?

17. How do you access a class member?

18. How is the member functions defined?

19. What are the features of static data member?

20. What are the situations that inline functions may not work?

Part – B

1. Difference between procedure oriented and object oriented program.

2. Difference between Struct and Class in also illustrate with Example

3. Explain the basic features of Object oriented programming in C++.

4. Explain briefly about Constructor and it types with suitable Example.

5. Explain about Storage Classes in C++ with Examples.

6. Explain the following
i)Pointer object.
ii) this pointer

7. Write a C++ program to get and display employee details using class and object

8. Explain the following terms with respect to OOPS .Give suitable examples
(i) Dynamic Binding
(ii) Message Passing
(iii) Reusability
(iv) Polymorphism

9. Relationship between arrays and pointers

10. Implementing stack operation using array.

Subject Name Object Oriented Programming
Subject Code CS6456
Regulation 2013
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CS6456 Question Bank click here to download

Object Oriented Programming Syllabus click here

CS6456 Notes click here

CS6456 important questions click here

question bank

EE6401 Question Bank Electrical Machines 1 Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6401 Question Bank Electrical Machines 1

EE6401 Question Bank Electrical Machines 1 Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample EE6401 Question Bank:

1. Mention the difference between core and shell type transformers.
In core type , the windings surround the core considerably and in shell type the core surround the winding.

2. What is the purpose of laminating the core in a transformers ? (April –98) To reduce eddy current loss.

3. Give the emf equation of a transformer and define each term (April –99)
Emf induced in primary coil E1 = 4.44 fΦ mN1 volt
Emf induced in secondary coil E2 = 4.44fΦ mN2 volt
Where f is the frequency of AC input
Φ m is the maximum value of flux in the core
N1, N2 are the number of primary and secondary turns.

4. Does the transformer draw any current when secondary is open ? Why ?
Yes,it (primary) will draw the current from the main supply in order to magnetise the core and to supply iron and copper losses on no load . There will not be any current in the secondary since secondary is open.

5. Define voltage regulation of a transformer (April –98)
When a transformer is loaded with a constant primary voltage , the secondary voltage decreases for lagging power factor load, and increases for leading pf load because of its internal resistance and leakage reactance . The change in secondary terminal voltage from
no load to full load expressed as a percentage of no load or full load voltage is termed as regulation.
% regulation down = (0V2-V2) x 100/0V2
% regulation up = (0V2-V2) x 100/V2

6. Full load copper loss in a transformer is 1600 watts. What will be the loss at half load ?

If x is the ratio of actual load to full load then copper loss = x2(full load copper loss).Here Wc = (0.5)2 x 1600 = 400 watts

Subject Name Electrical Machines 1
Subject Code EE6401
Regulation 2013
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question bank

ME6404 Question Bank THERMAL ENGINEERING Regulation 2013 Anna University


ME6404 Question Bank THERMAL ENGINEERING Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University pdf free download.

Sample ME6404 Question Bank:

1. Classify IC engine according to cycle of lubrication system and field of application.

2. Types of lubrication system

3. List the various components of IC engines.

4. Name the basic thermodynamic cycles of the two types of internal combustion reciprocating engines.

5. Mention the important requites of liner material.

6. State the purpose of providing piston in IC engines.

7. Define the terms as applied to reciprocating I.C. engines “Mean effective pressure” and “Compression ratio”.

8. What is meant by highest useful compression ratio?

9. What are the types of piston rings?

10. What is the use of connecting rod?

11. What is the use of flywheel?

12. Which factor increases detonation in IC engines?

13. Which factor do not have much influence in detonation?

14. For maximum power, air-fuel ratio should be?

15. For maximum economy, air-fuel ratio should be?

16. For maximum power we need is?

17. Cold starting required?

18. Knock in SI engine can be reduced by

19. In 2-stroke engines wich two strokes are eliminated?

20. Which efficiency will reduce if fresh charge filled is reduced?

21. SFC decreases as power capacity of engine?

22. What about the NOx emission when the compression ratio decreases?

23. Methods used for preparing bio-diesel?

24. Nox, Sox, HC can be determined by ?

25. What is blending of fuel?

26. Is hydrogen fuel is storable?

27. The following results refer to a test on a petrol engine Indicated power = 30 Kw, Brake power = 26 Kw, Engine speed = 1000 rpm Fuel brake power/ hour = 0.35 kg Calorific value of fuel = 43900kj/kg .Calculate the indicated Thermal efficiency, the brake Thermal efficiency and Mechanical efficiency

28. A four cylinder 2 stroke cycle petrol engine develops 23.5 kw brake power at 2500 rpm. The mean effective pressure on each piston in 8. 5 bar and mechanical efficiency in 85%

29. Explain full pressure lubrication system I.C Engine.

30. Explain the water cooling system in I.C Engine.

Subject code ME6404
Regulation 2013

ME6404 Question Bank Click here to download

ME6404 Syllabus click here

ME6404 Notes click here

ME6404 Important questions click here

question bank

GE6351 Question Bank ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Regulation 2013 Anna University


GE6351 Question Bank ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample GE6351 Question Bank:

1 What are food chain and food web?

2. Define the terms producers and consumers.

3. Define Genetic diversity and species diversity.

4. What is Biomes? How a biome does differs from an ecosystem.

5. What are the characteristics of the desert ecosystems?

6. Define Estuaries.

7. Give the bio-geographical classification of!ndia.

8. Distinguish between primary succession and secondary succession.

9. What are endangered and endemic species?

10. Name the four ecosystems.

11 Enumerate the human activities which destroy the biodiversity.

12. Mention the various subdivisions ofthe biotic and abiotic compounds of the Environment.

13. How are the laws ofthermodynamics related to energy flow?

14. What is red data book?

15. What are the advantages ofln-situ and Ex-situ conservation biodiversity?

16. What is ecosystem?

17 What are tropical levels?

18 What is meant by keystone species?

19. Define biodiversity.

20.Define bio-magnification of DDT

21.Define ecological succession.

22.Define producers, consumers and decomposers

23 What are autotrophic and heterotrophic components of an ecosystem?

24. What are point and non-point sources of water pollution?

25. What are the sources of soil pollution?

26. State the role of an individual in the prevention of pollution.

27. Defme disasters.

28. When does a sound causes noise pollution.

29. What are the types of solid waste?

30. What is soil pollution?

31. Defme photochemical wastes.

32. Defme hazardous wastes.

33. Defme noise pollution.

34. Write any four major water pollutants.

35. Defme floods.

36. What is a smog? Give the types and effects of smog

37.Mention the physical and chemical parameters of quality of water.

38.Give the methods by which heavy metals are removed by absorption.

39.What are the 3 R’s in solid waste management?

40. What is meant by BOD and COD.

Subject code GE6351
Regulation 2013

GE6351 Question Bank Click here to download

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GE6351 Notes click here

For GE6351 Important Questions click here

question bank

ME6403 Question Bank Engineering Materials and Metallurgy regulation 2013 Anna University

ME6403 Question Bank Engineering Materials and Metallurgy

ME6403 Question Bank Engineering Materials and Metallurgy regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample ME6403 Question Bank:

1. When will interstitial solid solution occur?

2. What is isomorphous?

3. How is plain carbon steels classified? Define an alloy?

4. Classify the alloys.

5. What are solid solutions?

6. Differentiate substitutional and interstitial solid solutions with examples.

7. What are intermediate phases?

8. Define the term phase.

9. What is an equilibrium phase diagram?

10.Define eutectic reactions?

11.Define peritectic reactions?

12.Define eutectoid reactions?

13.Define peritectoid reactions?

14.Distinguish eutectic and eutectoid transformations.

15.Distinguish peritectic and peritectoid transformations.

16.What are the uses of grey cast iron?

17.What are chilled cast irons?

18.Why nodular cast iron is called ductile cast iron?

19.What are the advantages of alloy steels over plain carbon steels?

20.What is the effect of additions of chromium on the characteristics of steel?

21. Show the different steel and cast iron region in the iron carbon diagram with its microstructure and write down its composition, mechanical properties and application.

22. Draw a neat sketch and explain TTT diagram.

23. Draw Iron carbon diagram and label all fields?

24. Draw a typical equilibrium diagram for an isomorphous system and explain the equilibrium cooling of any one alloy from the above diagram.

25. Draw a typical equilibrium diagram for a eutectic type of system with limited solid solubility and explain its important features.

26. Explain the Peritectic temperature using a binary equilibrium peritectic phase diagram

27. What is the effect of small quantities of
(a) Sulphur
(b) manganese
(c) phosphorus
(d) Silicon upon the properties of steel?

28. Explain the method of plotting an equilibrium diagram and derive the lever rule as applied to equilibrium diagram.

29. Discuss the effect of Silicon, Manganese elements in cast iron.

30.Describe the composition, microstructure, properties and applications of grey cast iron.

Subject Name Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
Subject Code ME6403
Regulation 2013
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ME6403 Question Bank click here to download

ME6403 Syllabus click here

ME6403 Notes click here

ME6403 Question Bank click here

question bank

ME6402 question bank Manufacturing Technology 2 Regulation 2013 Anna University

ME6402 question bank Manufacturing Technology 2

ME6402 question bank Manufacturing Technology 2 Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample ME6402 question bank:

1. Distinguish between Capstan lathe from Turret lathe.

2. How do you classify tool wear?

3. Define Tool Life.

4. State the different methods of taper turning.

5. How do you classify milling cutters?

6. Define Broaching.

7. State the applications of honing and lapping finishing methods.

8. Compare gear forming with gear generation method.

9. State the limitations of CNC machine tools.

10. What is a ‘Canned’ cycle?

11. (a) (i) Discuss the various types of chips produced during metal machining. (Marks 6)

(ii)State the parameters that influence the life of tool and discuss. (Marks 10)

(b) (i) What is meant by Orthogonal Cutting and Oblique Cutting? (Marks 6)

(ii)Explain ‘Merchant force circle’ along with assumptions. (Marks 10)

12. (a) (i) Discuss the main parts of a turret lathe. (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain the working of Swiss type auto lathe with a neat
sketch. (10)

(b) (i) What is meant by ‘tool layout’ of a turret lathe? (Marks 6)
(ii) Name the various lathe accessories. How does a four jaw chuck differ from a three jaw chuck?
(Marks 10)

13. (a) (i) What are the operations performed on a milling machine? (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain different types of drilling machines with their specific features. (Marks 10)

14. (a) (i) Give the specification of grinding wheel. (Marks 6)
(ii) What is meant by dressing and truing of grinding wheel? (Marks
10) Or
(b) (i) List the advantages and limitations of gear shaping. (Marks 6) (ii)
Explain the principle of gear hobbing with neat sketches. (Marks 10)

15. (a) (i) Under what conditions of production the numerically controlled machine tools are
employed? (Marks 6)

(ii) Explain the various elements of NC machine with closed loop control system.
(Marks 10) Or
(b) (i) Explain the main difference between point to point and continuous path type of numerically controlled machine tools. (Marks 6)


Subject Name Manufacturing Technology 2
Subject Code Me6402
Regulation 2013
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ME6402 Question bank 1 click here to download

ME6402 Question bank 2 click here to download

ME6402 Syllabus click here

ME6402 Notes click here

ME6402 important questions click here

question bank

ME6401 Question Bank KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY Regulation 2013 Anna University


ME6401 Question Bank KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample for ME6401 Question Bank:

1. Define ‘degrees of freedom’.

2. What is meant by spatial mechanism?

3. Classify the constrained motion.

4. What is meant by number synthesis?

5. What are the some important inversions of four chain mechanism?

6. What is toggle position?

7. What is pantograph?

8. What are the applications of single slider crank mechanism?

9. Give some examples for kinematics pairs.

10. Discuss Elliptical trammel

11. What is movability?

12. What is meant by transmission angle?

13. What is meant by Ackermann steering?

14. Write down the Grashof’s Law for a four bar mechanism?

15. What is meant by motion adjustment mechanism?

16. Whether a cycle chain is kinematic chain or not?

17. Define instantaneous centre & instantaneous axis?

18. What is link? What are the different types of links?

19. What is meant by spatial mechanism?

20. What is the use of oldham’s coupling?


1. a) Explain different types of Link. (8)

b) Classify and explain the Kinematic pair. (8)

2. a) Explain any two inversion of four bar chain. (8)

b) Explain the first inversion of Single Slider Crank Chain. (8)

3. Explain first inversion of Double Slider crank chain. (8)

4. Explain third inversion of double slider crank chain. (8)

5. a) Explain the offset slider crank mechanism. (8)

b) Explain Straight line mechanism with neat sketch (8)

6. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Oldham’s coupling.

7. Explain steering gear mechanism with neat sketch

8. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Whitworth quick return mechanism.

9. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Single slider and double slider crank chain mechanism.

Subject Code Me6401
Regulation 2013
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