question bank

EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank

EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Digital Electronics EC6302 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank:

Part – A  2 mark

1. Apply De-Morgan’s theorem to simplify A+BC.

2. Define the term prime implicants and Essential prime implicants.

3. Draw the XOR logic using only NAND gates.

4. Implement the following Boolean function with NOR – NOR logic
F = Π(0,2, 4,5,6)

5. Express the switching function f (ABC) = B in terms of minterm. (EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank)

6. Define minterm & Maxterm. Give examples.

7. Simplify the given Boolean Expression F= x’+xy+xz’+xy’z’.

8. Prove that the logical sum of all minterms of a Boolean function of 2 variables is 1.

9. Show that a positive logic NAND gate is a negative logic NOR gate.

10. If A & B are Boolean variables and if A=1 & A+B=0, Find B? (EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank)

11. Realize F = A’B+AB’ using minimum universal gates.

12. Write the Boolean expression for the output of the system shown in figure.

13. Write down fan-in & fan-out of a standard TTL IC.

14. Prove that AB+A’C+BC = AB + A’C

15. Implement the following Boolean function with NAND – NAND logic
F = Σ(0,1, 3, 5) (EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank)

16. What are don’t care terms?

17. What are universal gates implement AND gate using any one universal gate?

18. What are the advantages of Schottky TTL family?

19. Define the term (i). Propagation delay (ii). Power dissipation

20. Draw an active high tri-state Gate & write its truth table. (EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank)

Part – B 16 mark

1. a). i). Simplify the following function using K – map, f=ABCD+AB’C’D’+AB’C+AB &
realize the SOP using only NAND gates and POS using only NOR gates (12)
ii). Simplify the logic circuit shown in figure (4)

2. a). i). Minimize the term using Quine McCluskey method & verify the result using Kmap
method πM(0,1,4,11,13,15)+ πd(5,7,8). (10)
ii). Explain the operation of 3 input TTL NAND gate with required diagram & truth
table. (6)

3. a). i). Using K-map method, Simplify the following Boolean function and obtain
(a) minimal SOP and
(b) minimal POS expression & realize using only NAND and NOR gates
F=Σm(0,2,3,6,7) + d(8,10,11,15) (10)
ii). Draw the circuits of 2 input NAND & 2 input NOR gate using CMOS (6) (EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank)

Subject Name Digital Electronics
Subject Code EC6302
Regulation 2013

EC6302 Digital Electronics Question Bank click here to download

EC6302 Digital Electronics Syllabus

EC6302 Digital Electronics Notes

EC6302 Digital Electronics Important questions



question bank

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Question Bank

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures EC6301 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Question Bank:

PART A 2 marks

1. What are the features of Object Oriented P rogramming?

2. List out some of the benefits of OOP.

3. What is the use of scope resolution operator?

4. List out the advantages of new operator over malloc ().

5. What are the control structures used in C++? (ec6301 object oriented programming and data structures question bank)

6. State the difference between structures and class.

7. Define a class.

8. List the access modes used within a class.

9. What are the characteristics of member functions?

10. What are the properties of a static data member? (ec6301 object oriented programming and data structures question bank)

11. What are the properties of a static member function?

12. How can objects be used as function arguments?

13. Define friend function?

14. Define Constructor.

15. List some of the special cha racteristics of constructor. (ec6301 object oriented programming and data structures question bank)

16. Give the various types of constructors.

17. What are the ways in which a constructor can be called?

18. Define Destructor.

19. Give the general form of an operator function.

20. What are the types of type conversions?

PART B 16 marks (ec6301 object oriented programming and data structures question bank)

1. Explain with the Basic Concepts of object oriented programming.

2. Describe the applications of OOP technology.

3. What is a structure and explain the members of structure with an example program.

4. What is function overloading? Explain with an example program.

5. Briefly explain operator overloading with an example.

6. What is friend function? What is the use of using friend functions in c++?

Subject Name Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
Subject Code EC6301
Regulation 2013

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Question Bank click here to download

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Syllabus

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Notes

EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Important questions



question bank

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Question Bank

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation EE6352 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Question Bank:

1. State Faraday’s law of Electro magnetic induction and Lenz law.

2. Mention the following functions in DC Machine (i) Commutator (ii) Brushes (iii) Yoke (iv) Field coils. (ee6352 electrical engineering and instrumentation question bank)

3. What are the main constructional element of a DC Machine?

4. What is meant by excitation of dc machine? What are the different methods for the excitation of DC Machine?

5. What are the necessary conditions for the generators to be self excited?

6. Mention any 2-popular methods for the speed control of DC Shunt motor.

7. What is meant by motor ? How the Faraday’s Left hand rule is used explain it.

8. Define critical resistance of a dc generator? (ee6352 electrical engineering and instrumentation question bank)

9. List the different method of speed control of DC Shunt motor?

10. In speed control of DC Shunt Motor how the armature control method is distinguished with field control method.

11. What are the different techniques used for the speed control of DC Series Motor? (ee6352 electrical engineering and instrumentation question bank)

12. Write the formulae for voltage equation of a DC Motor.

13. What is meant by armature reaction?

14. Write the formulae for generated emf of a Generator.

15. State two applications of DC shunt motor and series motor.

16. What is the significance of back emf Motor?

17. List the different variable and constant losses in electrical machine.

Subject Name Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation
Subject Code EE6352
Regulation 2013

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Question Bank click here to download

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Syllabus

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Notes

EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Important questions



question bank

EE6801 Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6801 Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation Question Bank

EE6801 Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation EE6801 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample EE6801 Question Bank:

1. (i)Describe the series- parallel control of electric traction motor. Also specify the advantages of the above control.(8)  (EE6801 Question Bank)

(ii)A train runs with an average speed of 50 kmph.Distance between stations is 4.5 km. Values of acceleration and retardation are 1.5 kmphs and 1.8 kmphps respectively. Calculate the maximum speed of the train assuming a trapezoidal speed time curve.(8)  (EE6801 Question Bank)

2. (i)Explain the recent trends in electric traction systems(8) (ii).A sub urban electric train has a maximum speed of 65kmph.The schedule speed including a station stop of 30seconds is 43.5kmph.If the acceleration is 1.3kmphps; Identify the value of retardation when the distance between stops is 3km.(8)

3. (i)Explain about the types of supply system used in traction system.(8) (ii) A 250 tonnes train with 10% rotational inertia effect is started with uniform acceleration and reaches a speed of 50 kmphps in 265 seconds on level road. Calculate the specific energy consumption if the journey is to be made
according to trapezoidal speed- time curve. Acceration = 2 kmphps; Tracking retardation = 3 kmphps ; Distance between the stations = 2.4 km ; efficiency = 0.9; Track resistance = 5 kg/tones.(8)  (EE6801 Question Bank)

4. (i)With the aid of transmission of tractive effort, describe the mechanism of train movement.(8) (iiDescribe clearly regenerative braking when used for Dc series traction motors. Also discuss the requirements for ideal traction.(8)

5. (i)A sub urban electric train has a maximum speed of 65kmph.The schedule speed including a station stop of 30seconds is 43.5kmph.If the acceleration is 1.3kmphps; Calculate the value of retardation when the distance between stops is 3km. (8) (ii)Discuss short notes on Trolley bus.(8) (EE6801 Question Bank)

Subject Name Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation
Subject Code EE6801
Regulation 2013

EE6801 Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation Question Bank click here to download

EE6801 Syllabus Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation

EE6801 Notes Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation

EE6801 Important questions Electric Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation


question bank

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Question Bank

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Special Electrical Machines EE6703 Question Bank free pdf download.

Sample EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Question Bank:

1. What is stepper motor?

A stepper motor is a digital actuator whose input is in the form of programmed
energization of the stator windings and whose output is in the form of discrete angular rotation. (ee6703 special electrical machines question bank)

2. Define step angle.

Step angle is definrd as the angle through which the motor rotates for each command is denoted as β.

3. Define slewing

The stepper motor operates at very high speed is called slew angle.i,e (25000 steps per sec).

4. Define resolution

It is defined as the no.of steps needed to complete one revolution of the shaft.
Resolution = no . of steps /revolution (ee6703 special electrical machines question bank)

5. Mention some applications of stepper motor

I.floppy disc drives
ii. qurtz watch
iii. camera shutter operation
iv. dot matrix and line printers
v. small tool application
vi. robotics

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of stepper motor?

1. it can be driven in open loop without feedback
2. it is mechanically simple
3. it requires little or no maintenance.
1.low efficiency
2.fixed step angle power output (ee6703 special electrical machines question bank)

7. Define holding torque.

Holding torque is the maximum load torque which the energized stepper motor can withstand without slipping from equilibrium position

8. Define detent torque

Detent torque is the maximum torque which the unenergised stepper motor can
withstand without is also known as cogging torque.

9. What is meant by full step operation?

Full step operation or single phase on mode is the one in which at a time only one phase winding is energized, due to which one stator winding is energized and causes the rotor to rotate some angle.

(ee6703 special electrical machines question bank)

Subject Name Special Electrical Machines
Subject Code EE6703
Regulation 2013

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Question Bank click here to download

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Syllabus

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Notes

EE6703 Special Electrical Machines Important questions


question bank

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Question Bank

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EE6702 Question Bank Protection and Switchgear pdf free download.

Sample EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Question Bank:

1. (a) What are the causes of over voltage on a power system?(8)
(b) Why is it necessary to protect the lines and other equipment of the power system against over voltages?(8)

2. Describe the phenomenon of lightning.(16)

3. What protective measures are taken against lightning over voltages?(16)

4. (a) What is tower-footing resistance?(4)
(b) Why is it required to have this resistance as low as economically possible? (4)
(c) What are the methods to reduce this resistance?(8) (ee6702 protection and switchgear Question bank)

5. (a) What is necessity of protecting electrical equipment against traveling waves?(6)

(b)Describe in brief the protective devices used for protection of equipment against such waves?(10) (ee6702 protection and switchgear Question bank)

6. Describe the protection of stations and sub-stations against direct lightning stroke. (16)

7. Describe the construction and principle of operation of
(i) expulsion type lightning arrester,(8)
(ii) Value type lightning arrester.(8)

8. What is Peterson coil? What protective functions are performed by this device? (16) (ee6702 protection and switchgear Question bank)

9. Write short notes on the following.
(i) klydonograph and magnetic link(4)
(ii) Rod gap(4)
(iii) Arcing horns(4)
(iv) Basic impulse insulation level(4)

10. What are the requirements of a ground wire for protecting power conductors against direct lightning stroke? Explain how they are achieved in practice.(16)

11. Determine the inductance of Peterson coil to be connected between the neutral and ground to neutralize the charging current of overhead line having the line to ground capacitive of 0.15μf. If the supply frequency is 50Hz and the operating voltage is 132 KV, find the KVA rating of the coil.(16) (ee6702 protection and switchgear Question bank)

Subject Name Protection and Switchgear
Subject Code EE6702
Regulation 2013

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Question Bank click here to download

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Syllabus

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Notes

EE6702 Protection and Switchgear Important questions



question bank

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EE6701 Question Bank High Voltage Engineering free pdf download.

Sample EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank:

1. What is surge arrester?
2. Name the sources of switching surges.
3. What are the limitations of EHVAC transmission?
4. State the different types of over voltages occurring in power system and mention their magnitude.
5. What are the types of faults that may occur in power lines?
6. Define indirect stroke. (EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank)
7. What is known as Isokeraunic Level?
8. Define Shielding Angle.
9. Define surge impedance of transmission line.
10. What are the techniques to be adopted for controlling the switching over voltages?
11. What are the causes of power frequency over voltages?
12. What are the causes of over voltages in power system?
13. Explain why a simple spark gap cannot offer full protection against over voltages. (EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank)
14. What is insulation co-ordination?
15. Mention the different kinds of over voltages.
16. What is meant by switching surges? Mention the approximate magnitude of switching surges and their
frequency. (EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank)
17. A transmission line of surge impedance 250 is connected to a cable of surge impedance 50 at the other end, if a surge of 400 kV travels along the line to the junction point, find the voltage build at the junction.
18. How can the tower footing resistance can be varied?
19. What are the advantage of valve type arrester?
20. What is counter poise wire? Give its use.

16 MARKS (EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank)

1. Draw the cross sectional view of non linear resistor lightning arrester (valve type) and explain its operation in detail and its V-I characteristics.

2. Discuss mechanism of lightning stroke and over voltages on transmission lines and give its mathematical model.
3. Write short notes on:
(i) Rod gaps used as protective devices
(ii) Ground wires for protection of overhead lines.
4. Explain different theories of charge formation in clouds. (EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank)

Subject Name High Voltage Engineering
Subject Code EE6701
Regulation 2013

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Question Bank click here to download

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Syllabus

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Notes

EE6701 High Voltage Engineering Important questions

question bank

IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna university

IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank

IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna university free download. IC6501 Question Bank Control Systems pdf free download.

Sample IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank:

1. Specify the time domain Specification? (NOV/DEC 2016, MAY/JUNE 2016)

2. What is meant by steady state error? (NOV/DEC 2016, NOV/DEC 2015)

3. What is dominant pole? (NOV/DEC 2016, NOV/DEC 2015, MAY/JUNE 2015)

4. List the Standard test signal used in time domain analysis. (MAY/JUNE 2016, MAY/JUNE 2014, NOV/DEC 2015) IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank

5. State the effect of PI Compensation in system performance. (MAY/JUNE 2016)

6. How will you find the root locus on real axis? (MAY/JUNE 2016)

7. How do you find the type of the system? (MAY/JUNE 2015)

8. Find the unit impulse response of the system H(s) = 5s/(s+2) with zero initial conditions. (MAY/JUNE 2015)

9. For the system described by find the nature of the time response? (NOV/DEC
2015) IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank

10. Why is the derivative control not used in control system? (NOV/DEC 2015)

11. Give the relation between static and dynamic error coefficents. (NOV/DEC 2016)

12. State the basic properties of root locus. (NOV/DEC 2016)

13. What is type and order of the system? (NOV/DEC 2014, MAY/JUNE 2015)

14. What are the advantages of generalized error series? (NOV/DEC 2014)

15. Give the transfer function of the PID Controller. (NOV/DEC 2013) IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank

16. What is the condition for the system to have a circle in root locus? (NOV/DEC

17. State the effect of PD Compensation in system performance. (MAY/JUNE 2014)

18. What is the value of K at any given point in root locus? (MAY/JUNE 2015, NOV/DEC 2010)

19. What do you mean by peak over shoot? (NOV/DEC 2010) IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank

20. Define settling time. (MAY/JUNE 2010)

21. Differentiate between steady state and transient response of the system? (MAY/JUNE 2010)

22. What is the effect of system performance when a proportional controller is introduced in a system? (MAY/JUNE 2015)

23. What is type and order of the given system ? (NOV/DEC 2014)

24. Define Rise time. IC6501 Control Systems Question Bank

25. Define peak time.

Subject Name Control Systems
Subject Code IC6501
Regulation 2013
File PDF

IC6501 Control Systems Questions Bank click here to download

IC6501 Control Systems Syllabus

IC6501 Control Systems Notes

IC6501 Control Systems Important questions


question bank

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Question Bank

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EE6504 Question Bank Electrical Machines 2 pdf free download.

Sample EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Question Bank:

1. Why the stator core is laminated?

2. Define voltage regulation

3. Write the causes of harmonics in the voltage and current waves of electrical machinery.

4. What are conditions for parallel operation of alternators?

5. Write the EMF equation of a three-phase alternator.

6. What are the advantages of salient pole type construction used for Synchronous machines?

7. What do you mean by “single layer” and “double layer” winding? ee6504 electrical machines 2 Question Bank

8. Compare the salient pole rotor and cylindrical pole rotor on stability point of view.

9. Where the damper windings are located? What are their functions?

10. What are the causes of changes in terminal voltage of Alternators when loaded?

11. What is meant by armature reaction in Alternators? ee6504 electrical machines 2 Question Bank

12. What do you mean by synchronous reactance?

13. What is meant by load angle of an Alternator?

14. Name the various methods for predetermining the voltage regulation of 3-phase Alternator.

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of estimating the voltage regulation of an Alternator by EMF method? ee6504 electrical machines 2 Question Bank

16. Why is the synchronous impedance method of estimating voltage regulation considered as pessimistic method?

17. Why is the MMF method of estimating the voltage regulation considered as the optimistic method?

18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of three dark lamps method of synchronizing?

19. Why synchronous generators are to be constructed with more synchronous reactance and negligible resistance?

20. How does increase in excitation of the Alternator connected to infinite bus-bars affect the operation?

ee6504 electrical machines 2 Question Bank

Subject Name Electrical Machines 2
Subject Code EE6504
Regulation 2013
File PDF

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Question Bank click here to download

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Syllabus

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Notes

EE6504 Electrical Machines 2 Important questions



question bank

EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank

EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EE6503 Question Bank Power Electronics pdf free download.

Sample EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank:

 Part A (2 Marks)

1. What is meant by phase controlled rectifier?

2. Mention some of the applications of controlled rectifiers.

3. Classify controlled rectifiers.

4. Define delay or firing angle.

5. Define extinction angle. (EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank)

6. Differentiate between line and forced commutation.

7. What is commutation angle or overlap angle?

8. What is the function of freewheeling diode in controlled rectifiers?

9. List the advantages of freewheeling diodes.

10. What is the inversion mode of rectifiers? (EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank)

11. Why the power factor of semi converter is greater than full converter?

12. What is meant by input power factor in controlled rectifier?

13. What are the advantages of six pulse converter?

14. Distinguish between two and four quadrant converters.

15. What are ac voltage controllers and give few applications? (EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank)

16. List the merits and demerits of ac voltage controllers.

17. List the strategies available for control of ac voltage controllers.

18. Distinguish between ON-OFF and integral cycle control. (EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank)

19. What are the two types of ac voltage controllers? Which one of these is preferred, why?

20. What is meant by full wave or bidirectional ac voltage controller?

PART- B 16 marks (EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank)

1. Explain the principle of operation and derive the expressions for average output voltage and RMS output voltage of the following,
a. Single-phase half controlled rectifier feeding R load
b. Single-phase full controlled rectifier feeding RL load
c. Single-phase two quadrant and two pulse converter operating on rectification and Inversion modes.

2. Explain the operation of three-phase half and full converter rectifier feeding RL load. With the aid of neat waveforms and also derive the expression for average output voltage.

3. Explain the effect of source impedance on the performance of converters.

4. Explain the operation of Single-phase ac voltage controller having only thyristors feeding resistive load by on-off and phase control. Derive the expression for rms value of output voltage in both cases. (EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank)

Subject Name Power Electronics
Subject Code EE6503
Regulation 2013
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EE6503 Power Electronics Question Bank click here to download

EE6503 Power Electronics Syllabus

EE6503 Power Electronics Notes

EE6503 Power Electronics Important questions