12th botany neet school

Benefits from biofertilizers

Benefits from biofertilizers

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1. Biofertilizers are easy to produce in abundance and are available
at low cost to the marginal farmers.

2. It increases soil fertility without causing any damage to the soil.

3. Application of biofertilizers increases yield upto 45 per cent and
the left over biofertilizers in the soil increases yield as long as the
biofertilizer remains in the soil up to 3 to 4 years.

4. Azolla, which is a biofertilizer amends the soil with organic matter.
Cyanobacteria in particular secrete growth promoting hormones
like indole 3-acetic acid, indole butyric acid, naphthalene acetic
acid, aminoacids, protein and vitamins to soil.

5. Cyanobacteria grow well both in acidic as well as in alkaline soils.
Since, cyanobacteria are potent neutralizers, they help in the
neutralization of soil. The process of converting untenable, fallow
land to cultivable soil is termed as soil reclamation. Blue green
algae play a vital role in this conversion.

6. Symbiotic nitrogen fixing Rhizobium is a biofertilizer. It adds 50
to 150 Kg of nitrogen to soil per hectare. Azatobacter and
Azospirillum secrete antibiotics which act as biopesticides.

7. Ectotrophic mycorrhiza, which acts as a biofertilizer, increases
the surface area of the roots of host plants, so that more absorption
of nutrients by the roots is made possible.

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