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BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA

BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA

BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA Anna University free download. Human Resource Management Question Bank BA5204 pdf free download.

Sample BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA:

Organizations have adopted to E – Recruitment methods. Examine the Pros and Cons
X company limited has five branches at Tamil Nadu with corporate office at Chennai. The structure is product based and each branch produce one product and all are automobile related. There was a post vacant for the position of vice-president at head office. The production Engineer of Coimbatore is the most suitable person by all areas like seniority, qualification and ability. But, the problem is that if he is disturbed from Coimbatore no one can take his responsibility and the president felt a very big gap.
What is the problem and how will you sort it?
3. BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA
Mr. Reddy, Managing Director has come back from his BOD meeting at Delhi. In the recent meeting the Board has sanctioned the approval to expand the production operations at the newly built Chennai facility. Mr. Reddy is posed with a challenge on figuring out the right method in forecasting his HR requirements.
i. Draft your plans to support Mr. Reddy in this task. (8marks)
ii. Support you plan with suitable explanation. (7marks)
A leading Company wants to retain its top executives in all the departments, Advise the CEO about a plan to motivate the executives. The competitors are ready to hire the executives. How will you retain the executives?

List out the needs of undertaking HRP

Explain in brief about HRM Issues
BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA
Define Talent Acquisition

Write Short notes on HRIS

What are the objectives of HR planning?

How would you explain Head Hunting?
BA5204 Question Bank Human Resource Management MBA
Internal Source is a negative process ‐ Comment

Subject name Human Resource Management
Short Name HRM
Semester 2
Subject Code BA5204

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BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA

BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA

BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA Anna University free download. Financial Management Question Bank BA5203 pdf free download.

Sample BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA:

i) State and explain the functions of finance. Why is wealth maximization considered as the prime objective of financial management over profit maximization?
Level 1
ii) The market price of Rs.1,000 par value bond carrying a coupon rate of 14 percent and maturing after 5 years in Rs.1050. What is the Yield To Maturity (YTM) on this bond? What is the approximate YTM?
Discuss the features of shares and bonds?
Level 2
i) What is risk? Discuss the methods of Calculating risk for single assets and of a portfolio?
BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA
ii) What approach would you use to value bonds and shares?
Can you list the types of risk & classify Non‐diversifiable risk”&” Security market line”. How does it differ from capital market line?
Level 4
i) How would you evaluate the general principles of valuation of shares?
Level 5
ii) Can you assess the concept and significance of risk and return of a portfolio and single asset?
Evaluate “The goal of profit maximization does not provide an operationally useful criterion”‐ Explain
Level 6
i) Define the concept of risk return trade off with diagram.
BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA
ii) A company’s current price of share is Rs.60 and dividend per share is Rs.4. If its capitalization rate is 12 per cent, what is the dividend growth rate?
What is return? Write the various types of total return.
Whether unrealised capital gain or loss is included in the calculations of returns?
Level 2
i) Explain the functions of finance manager of a firm.
Level 3
ii) Can you explain the features & scope of the modern approaches to financial management?
i) What inference can you make from the three major decisions in financial management?
BA5203 Question Bank Financial Management MBA
ii) What ideas justify the scope of financial management in any organization?

Subject name Financial Management
Short Name FM
Semester 2
Subject Code BA5203

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BA5106 Question Bank Statistics for Management

MBA BA5106 Question Bank Statistics for Management

BA5106 Question Bank Statistics for Management Anna University free download. Statistics for Management Question Bank BA5106 pdf free download.

Sample BA5106 Question Bank Statistics for Management :

In 1989, there were three candidates for the position of principal Mr. Chatterji, Mr. Ayangar and Dr. Singh. Whose chances of getting the appointment are in the proportion 4:2:3 respectively. The probability that Mr. Chatterji is selected, would introduce co-education in the college is 0.3. The probabilities of Mr. Ayangar and Dr. Singh doing the same are respectively 0.5 and .08. What is the probability that there was co-education in the college in 1990?

Find the probability that atmost 5 defective bolts will be found in a box of 200 bolts, if it is known that 2% of such bolts are expected to be defective. (e-4= 0.0183)

A coin is tossed 6 times what is the probability of obtaining (a) 4 heads (b) 5 heads (c) 6 heads (d) getting 4 or more heads.

In a bolt factory machines A, B, C manufacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of the total of their output 5, 4, 2 percent are defective bolts. If A bolt is drawn at random from the product and is found to be defective, what are the probabilities that is was manufactured by machines A, B and C?

In a test of 2000 electric blubs it was found that the life of a particular make was normally distributed with an average life of 2040 hours and S. D. of 60 hours. Estimate the number of blubs likely to burn for
(1) More than 2150 hours
(2) Less than 1950 hours
(3) More than 1920 hours but less than 2160 hours.

The latest nationwide political poll indicates that for Americans who are randomly selected, the probability that they are conservative is 0.55, the probability that they are liberal is 0.30 and the probability that they are middle of the road is 0.15. Assuming these probabilities are accurate, answer the following

BA5106 Question Bank Statistics for Management

Subject name Statistics for Management
Short Name SM
Department MBA
Semester 1
Subject Code BA5106

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PH8252 Question Bank Physics for Information Science Regulation 2017 Anna University

PH8252 Question Bank Physics for Information Science

PH8252 Question Bank Physics for Information Science Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Physics for Information Science PH8252 Question Bank pdf free download.

Give the postulates of free electron theory. Derive an expression for electrical conductivity of a metal by using classical free electron theory.
i) Explain the assumptions of classical free electron theory, its merits and demerits. (8)
ii) Calculate the electrical and thermal conductivities for a metal with a relaxation time 10-14 second at 300 K. Also calculate Lorentz number using the above result. (Density of electrons = 6×1028 m-3). (5)
3 PH8252 Question Bank Physics for Information Science
(i) Define thermal conductivity and hence deduce an expression for the same. (10)

Elaborate the mathematical expression for electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of a conducting material and hence obtain Weidemann-Franz law (13)
State and prove Wiedemann-Franz law. Why does the Lorentz number determined experimentally does not agree with the value calculated from the classical theory? (13)
Determine the expression for thermal conductivity in metals. (13)
Obtain Wiedemann Franz law using the expressions of electrical and thermal conductivity and find the expression of Lorentz number. (13)
8. PH8252 Question Bank Physics for Information Science
(i)Write an expression for the Fermi energy distribution function F (E) and discuss its behaviour with change in temperature. Plot F (E) versus E for T= 0 K, and T > 0 K. (10)
ii) Use the Fermi distribution function to obtain the value of F (E) for the level just 0.01eV above the Fermi level at 200 K. (3)
Discuss Fermi distribution function and explain its variation with temperature. (13)
Understanding PH8252 Question Bank Physics for Information Science
Define Fermi energy. Obtain a general expression for the Fermi energy of electrons in solids at zero degree Kelvin. Show that at the same temperature, the average energy of the electron is (3/5) th of Fermi energy. (13)
Obtain an expression for the density of energy states for a metal.

Subject Name Physics for Information Science
Subject Code PH8252
Regulation 2017
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PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science Regulation 2013 Anna University

PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science

PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Materials Science PH8251 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science:

(i) What is a solid solution? Discuss the Hume Rothery’s rule for forming
a solid solution. (10)
(ii) Write short notes on substitutional and interstitial solid solution.
Remembering QB
(i) How are solid solutions classified? Give example for each. (3)
(ii) Explain single component system. Discuss in detail about one component of iron with neat diagram. (10)
What do you mean by Unary system? Draw and explain the Unary phase diagram of pure iron. (13)
What is binary phase diagram? Explain in detail about binary isomorphous system and the region present in it. (13)
5. PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science
With ideal phase diagram, cooling curves and example, explain the following binary systems. Also name the systems. i) Two components completely soluble in liquid and completely soluble in solid state. (7)
ii) Two components completely soluble in liquid and completely
in soluble in the solid state. (6)
Write the inference of eutectic phase diagram? Draw a typical equilibrium diagram for a eutectic type of system with limited solid solubility and explain its important features. (13)
Explain the phase diagram of a system whose solubility is limited and the melting points of the components are comparable. (13)
8. PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science
What is a peritectic phase diagram? Draw a typical equilibrium diagram for a peritectic type of system with limited solid solubility and explain its important features. (13)
Explain the phase diagram of a system whose solubility is limited and the melting points of the components are vastly different. (13)
What do you mean by free energy curves? Explain the construction of phase diagram of completely soluble components from Gibb’s energy curves with suitable sketch. (13)
BTL3 PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science
Discuss the free energy composition curves for binary and eutectic system.
What are the microstructural changes that occur in a binary system?

PH8251 Question Bank Materials Science

Subject Name Materials Science
Subject Code PH8251
Regulation 2017
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PH8251 Materials Science Notes

PH8251 Materials Science Important Questions

PH8251 Materials Science syllabus

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IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture Regulation 2013 Anna University

IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture

IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Service Oriented Architecture IT6801 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture

19. Define Business layer
Business layer is responsible for supporting business process life cycle. Business
process lifecycle consists of five stages: design, model, simulate, monitor, manage, and
optimize business processes. Business layer users are either business analysts, or business
managers. Business analysts create the initial drafts of the business processes, and business IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture
managers will manage and monitor those business processes.

20. Define Business services layer
Business services layer holds orchestration and choreography engines under
governance mechanisms to map business processes to composing Web services.
Orchestration and choreography engines are the mapping enablers of business processes into
executable services. Web services are stateless services that can not maintain business logic,
operation flow, or user state; so, the need of an orchestration layer to include business logic is IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture
addressed. Orchestration and choreography engines maintain business process workflow
logic, performance requirements, and system/user state. Business services layer has access to
business rules repository.

21. Define Orchestration service
Orchestration services encapsulate the entire business process. For example, a service
containing the entire flow of the Employer Registration” business process is an orchestration
service. The complete registration process identifying the employer type, determining
liability and registering the employer in the database and various other steps. IT6801 Question Bank Service Oriented Architecture

1. Explain briefly about Processing SOAP Messages
2. Explain briefly about Data and Message Exchange Patterns for Enterprise SOA
3. Explain briefly about SOA and BPM in the Coordination Model
4. Explain briefly about Business activity states.
5. Explain briefly about Technical Requirements for Orchestration and Choreography IT6801 QB Service Oriented Architecture
6. Explain about Service layers in detail
7. Explain atomic transactions

Subject Name Service Oriented Architecture
Subject Code IT6801
Regulation 2013
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IT6801 Service Oriented Architecture Question Paper

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IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining Regulation 2013 Anna University

IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining

IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Data Warehousing and Data Mining IT6702 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining

1. Explain in detail about the reporting and query tools. (May/June 2014)
2. Describe in detail about COGNOS IMPROMTU. (May/June 2014)
3. Explain the categorization of OLAP tools with necessary diagrams.(May/June
4. i) List and explain the OLAP operation in multidimensional data model.
(Nov/Dec 2014) IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining
ii) Differentiate between OLTP and OLAP. (Nov/Dec 2014)
5. i)List and discuss the features of Cognos Impromptu. (Nov/Dec 2012)
ii)List and discuss the basic features data provided by reporting and query tools
used for business analysis. (Apr/May 2011)
6. i) What is a Multidimensional data model? Explain star schema with an example.
(May/June 2014) IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining
ii) Write the difference between multi-dimensional OLAP (MOLAP) and Multirelational
OLAP (ROLAP). (May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2012)
7. Explain the following: (May/June 2012)
i) Different schemas for multidimensional databases.

16. List out OLAP operations in multidimensional data model. (May/June 2009)
 Roll-up – performs aggregation on a data cube
 Drill-down – is the reverse operation of roll-up.
 Slice and dice – Slice operation selects one particular dimension from a IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining
given cube and provides a new sub-cube. Dice selects two or more
dimensions from a given cube and provides a new sub-cube.
 Pivot (or) rotate – The pivot operation is also known as rotation. It rotates
the data axes in view in order to provide an alternative presentation of data.
17. Mention the functions of OLAP servers in the data warehousing architecture.
(Nov/Dec 2010)
The OLAP server performs multidimensional queries of data and stores the
results in its multidimensional storage. It speeds the analysis of fact tables into IT6702 Question Bank Data Warehousing and Data Mining
cubes, stores the cubes until needed, and then quickly returns the data to clients.

Subject Name Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Subject Code IT6702
Regulation 2013
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IT6702 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Notes

IT6702 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Important Questions

IT6702 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Question Paper

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IT6701 Question Bank Information Management Regulation 2013 Anna University

IT6701 Question Bank Information Management

IT6701 Question Bank Information Management Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Information Management IT6701 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample IT6701 Question Bank Information Management

1.Explain in detail about E-R modeling and design with suitable illustrations wherever necessay.(13)
2.Design E_R diagram for Library management and university management system support with
necessary explanation. (13)
3.What are business Rules ?Ellaborate with suitable illustrations. (13) IT6701 Question Bank Information Management
4.Explain with an example about JDBC. (13)
5.What are stored procedures? Explain with examples. (13)
6.(i) What is big data? What are the characteristics of big data(8)
(ii)Explain with diagram about hadoop system.(8)
7.Expalin the working of HDFS with necessary diagrams.(13)
8.Explain about the components, operation and working of Map Reduce in Hadoop .(13)
9.Write an application code to illustrate word count using Map Reduce technique.
10.(i)Explain the working of YARN component in hadoop.(8)
(ii) Exlain the working of HIVE in Hadoop.(8

1.Why is necessary to have secure program? List and explain various non-malicious code errors.(13)
2.Explain in detail about malicious code and the control measures against them. (13) IT6701 Question Bank Information Management
3.What is virus? explain the types of virus .Mention how virus spreads and attaches itself. (13)
4. What are the various goals in protecting operating system objects ?Explain access control list and
matrix. (13)
5.What are the various memory ,files and object protection mechanisms.(13)
5.What makes network vulnerable ?list and Explain various network security attacks. (13) IT6701 Question Bank Information Management
6.What are firewalls? What are its limitations and capabilities also in detail explain its types. (13)
7.What is an IDS discuss in detail its working and types. Also briefly discuss about snort IDS.(13)
8.Eloborate in detail data privacy principles, laws and compliance.(13)

Subject Name Information Management
Subject Code IT6701
Regulation 2013
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IT6701 Information Management  Important Questions

IT6701 Information Management  Question Paper

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IT6503 Question Bank WEB PROGRAMMING THEORY Regulation 2013 Anna University


IT6503 Question Bank WEB PROGRAMMING THEORY Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. WEB PROGRAMMING THEORY IT6503 Question Bank pdf free download.

Sample IT6503 Question Bank WEB PROGRAMMING THEORY

4. (i) What is meant by stream? What are the types of streams and
classes? Explain in detail.(7)
(ii) List and discuss the role of various Buffer classes used in Java
BTL1 Remembering
5. (i) Discuss constructor in java? Why constructor does not have return
type in java? Explain it with proper example.(7)
(ii) Why so we need static members and how to access them?
Explain it with clear example(6)
BTL2 Understanding
6. Elaborate on the various object oriented concepts with necessary
BTL2 Understanding
7. How to declare and initialize a string in java and also discuss the
different string handling functions with suitable examples. (13)
BTL2 Understanding
8. (i) Write a Java program that collects the input as a decimal number
of integer type and converts it into a String of equivalent
hexadecimal number.(7)
(ii) Write a Java program that arranges the given set of strings in
alphabetical order. Supply the strings through the command
9. (i) Briefly explain interface? Write a Java program to illustrate the
use of an interface. (7)
(ii) Explain about packages. Give an example program which uses
BTL3 Applying
10. With illustrations explain multithreading, thread states and thread
properties (13) BTL4 Analyzing
11. Illustrate how exception handling mechanism has been implemented
in Java. Also explain various types of checked and unchecked
exceptions that may arise in Java with suitable examples. (13)

Subject Code IT6503
Regulation 2013
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IT6503 Question Bank WEB PROGRAMMING THEORY click here to download


IT6503 WEB PROGRAMMING THEORY Important Questions


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IT6501 Question Bank GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA Regulation 2013 Anna University


IT6501 Question Bank GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA IT6501 Question Bank pdf free download.


1. Explain list of Multimedia applications. Explain them briefly. (16)
2. Briefly discuss the history and future of Multimedia. (16)
3. Explain the characteristics of MDBMS. (16)
4. Write short notes on multimedia system architecture. (16)
5. What is multimedia? Explain the properties of multimedia systems. (16)
6. Explain the data stream characteristics for continuous media. (16) IT6501 Question Bank GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
7. Explain the different file formats used in multimedia. (16)
8. Suggests with reasons 5 potential applications of multimedia other than
the applications in the field of entertainment and education. (16)
9. Explain various multimedia interface standards. (16)
10. Describe various building block of multimedia system. (16)
11. Write short notes on MDBMS. (16)
12. Explain Database Organization for Multimedia Applications. (16)
13. Explain 3-D Technology and Holography. (16)
14. a. Explain hypermedia and its functions. (08)
b. Short notes on Multimedia databases.

1. List the types of fixed and removable storage devices available for IT6501 Question Bank GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
multimedia, and discuss the strength and weakness of each one. (16)
2. Explain the data compression technique used in multimedia. (16)
3. Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and
digitized audio in multimedia production. (16)
4. List and explain important steps and considerations in recording and IT6501 Question Bank GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
editing digital audio. (16)
5. Describe the capabilities and limitations of bitmap images and vector
images. (16)
6. Define animation and describe how it can be used in multimedia (16)
7. Explain Color, Gray Scale and Still Video Image Compression method. IT6501 Question Bank GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA

Subject Code IT6501
Regulation 2013
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IT6501 GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA Important Questions