Important question

EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions

EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EE6501 Important questions Power System Analysis pdf free download.

Sample EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions:

1. Explain the requirements of planning the operation of a power system.

Planning the operation of a power system requires load studies, fault calculations, the design of means for protecting the system against lightning and switching surges and
against short circuits, and studies of the stability of the system. (EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions)

2. Define steady state operating condition.

A power system is said to be in a steady state operating condition, if all the measured(or calculated) physical quantities describing the operating condition of the
system can be considered constant for the purpose of analysis.

3. What is a disturbance and what are the two types of disturbances?

If a sudden change or sequence of changes occurs in one or more of the system parameters or one or more of its operating quantities, the system is said to have
undergone a disturbance from its steady state operating condition. The two types of disturbances in a power system are,
i) Large disturbance ii) Small disturbance (EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions)

4. What is a small disturbance? Give example.

If the power system is operating in a steady state condition and it undergoes change, which can be properly analyzed by linearized versions of its dynamic and algebraic equations, a small disturbance is said to have occurred.
Example of small disturbance is a change in the gain of the automatic voltage regulator in the excitation system of a large generating unit.

5. What is a large disturbance? Give some examples.

A large disturbance is one for which the nonlinear equations describing the dynamics of the power system cannot be validly linearized for the purpose of analysis.
Examples of large disturbances are transmission system faults, sudden load changes, loss of generating units and line switching. (EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions)

Subject Name Power System Analysis
Subject Code EE6501
Regulation 2013

EE6501 Power System Analysis Important questions Click here to download

EE6501 Power System Analysis Syllabus

EE6501 Power System Analysis Notes

EE6501 Power System Analysis Question Bank


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