Important question

Digital Signal Processing Important questions IT6502 Regulation 2013 Anna University

Digital Signal Processing Important questions IT6502

Digital Signal Processing Important questions IT6502 Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. IT6502  Important questions free pdf download.

Sample Digital Signal Processing Important questions

1. State the sampling theorem
The sampling frequency must be at least the highest frequency present in the signal

2. Define a signal
A signal is defined as any physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other independent variable.

3. define a system
A system is defined as an entity that manipulates one or more signals to accomplish a function, therefore producing new signal.
x(t) input signal

4. What is the condition for stability?
A system is said to be stable if it produces a bounded output for every bounded input (BIBO).
The system which does not satisfy this condition is an unstable system.
Condition for Stability:
∫∣ℎ(?)∣??< ∞∞−∞

5. State the superposition theorem
The response to a weighted sum of a signal be equal to the corresponding weighted sum of the outputs of the system to each of the individual input signal,
A system is said to be linear if and only if
T [a1 x1(n) + a2x2 (n)] = a1T [x1(n)] + a2T [x2(n)]

A system is said to be non-linear if it doesn’t obey superposition principle.

6. Define Z transform.
Z transform converts difference equations into algebraic equations thereby simplifying the analysis of discrete time systems
The Z transform of a discrete time sequence x (n) is defined as
X (Z) =Σ? (?) ?−?∞

7. What is bilateral Z transform?
The Z transform of a discrete time sequence x (n) is defined as
X (Z) =Σ? (?) ?−?∞
If the sequence x (n) exists for n in the range -∞ to ∞ the above equation represents two sided or bilateral Z transform

8. What is unilateral Z transform?
If the sequence exists only for n≥0 then the equation changes to
X (Z) =Σ? (?) ?−?∞
Which is called one sided Z transform or unilateral Z transform

9. Define inverse Z transform.
Inverse Z transform of X (z) is
X (n) =12??∮? (?) ??−1??


Subject Name Digital Signal Processing
Subject code IT6502
Regulation 2013

IT6502 Important questions click here to download

Digital Signal Processing Syllabus

IT6502 Notes

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