Office of the Controller of Examinations COE2 Anna University
The Website is a portal for Anna University Controller of Examinations is the official website created by the National Infomatics Centre NIC and Operated by the Anna University Office of Controller of Examinations Guindy, Chennai.
Controller of Examinations also known as COE2 is responsible for maintaining the quality standard of all the semester exams / University Examinations under Anna University. student login

Student / Faculty Login – CLICK HERE for COE2 Anna University Web Portal
It is the their duty to arrange the preparation of Semester Exam, Scheduling / Time Table Of The Exam, To conduct University Examinations With out Any Problem, Also to arranging for paper Correction / valuation of answer scripts written by the Students (coe2 annauniv edu) and all other matters linked with the process of semester exams for all the Anna University affiliated non-autonomous Engineering Colleges. coe2 anna university results
They are also responsible for Processing and publishing the Anna University results on time and anna university results coe2 is the most search by students during the time of the results. They Also deal in Issuing the certificates like Semester Grades and Marks certificate, Consolidated certificate and Provisional Certificate For The Students. They also Publish the students rank lists and Medalists before the Annual convocation for the purpose of appreciation.
Contact Coe2 Anna univ
The Local Address or location of Anna University Controller of Examinations is at Sarder Patel Road, Old Highways Building, Guindy, Chennai – 600 025
Telephone : 044-22357264/7265/7244/7295/7296 : Fax : 044-22350291
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Minimum Internal Marks and External Marks To Pass