ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions
ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. ME6702 Important questions Mechatronics free pdf download.
Sample ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions:
1. Define mechatronics. (NOV/DEC 2005)
2. Mention the function of a mechatronic system. (APR/MAY 2013)
3. What are the elements of a mechatronic system? (APR/MAY 2010)
4. What are the basic elements of the measurement system? (APR/MAY 2005)
5. Distinguish between measurement system and control system. (NOV/DEC 2010) (ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions)
6. Draw the basic feedback system. (APR/MAY 2006)
7. Distinguish between open loop and closed loop control system. (NOV/DEC 2007)
8. How do you classify the sensors? (APR/MAY 2005), (APR/MAY 2013)
9. State the difference between primary and secondary transducers. (NOV/DEC 2003)
10. Define Hysteresis. (NOV/DEC 2009) (ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions)
11. State the dynamic characteristics. (APR/MAY 2004)
12. What is the working principle of an eddy current proximity sensor? (NOV/DEC 2008)
13. List any four applications of proximity sensors. (NOV/DEC 2011)
14. What is the working principle of temperature sensor? (NOV/DEC 2004)
15. What is RTD? State its applications. (NOV/DEC 2015) (ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions)
16. What is the basic principle of thermocouples? (APR/MAY 2016)
17. List out the key elements of Mechatronics. (NOV/DEC 2015)
18. Name few types of Proximity Sensors. (NOV/DEC 2015)
19. Brief on the working principle of Hall Effect Sensor. (MAY/ JUNE 2016)
20. Differentiate between position and proximity sensor. (MAY/ JUNE 2016)
PART – B (ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions)
1. With an example explain the various functional units of a measurement system. (NOV/DEC2012)
2. Explain open loop and closed loop control system with neat sketches. (APR/MAY 2005)
3. Explain the basic elements of a closed loop system. (NOV/DEC 2007)
4. Explain the functioning of a closed loop system with a neat sketch for controlling the speed of a shaft. (NOV/DEC 2010), (APR/MAY 2006)
5. Explain the functioning of a closed loop system with a neat sketch for temperature control system. (NOV/DEC 2011) (ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions)
6. Explain the functioning of a closed loop system with a neat sketch for automatic water level controller. (NOV/DEC 2007), (NOV/DEC 2009)
7. Explain the static performance characteristics of a sensor. (NOV/DEC 2008), (APR/MAY 2006) (NOV/DEC 2010), (APR/MAY 2010)
8. Explain the dynamic characteristics of a sensor. (NOV/DEC 2010), (APR/MAY 2005), (NOV/DEC 2012), (APR/MAY 2008)
9. Describe neatly potentiometer sensor. (NOV/DEC 2013)
10. Explain the functions of a capacitive sensor with neat sketch. (APR/MAY 2008) (ME6702 Mechatronics Important questions)
Subject Name | Mechatronics |
Subject Code | ME6702 |
Regulation | 2013 |
File |
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