Important question

GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering Regulation 2017

GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering

GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering for regulation 2017 Anna University free download.

The Environmental Science and Engineering GE8291 important questions 16 Marks are provided in PDF format is available for free download.

GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering important questions 16 Marks:


1. Define Hazards. What are the types and explain their health effects.

2. Explain the components, Characteristics and biodiversity of Forest ecosystem

3. Explain the structure and functional features of aquatic, desert and grasslandecosystems.

4. Explain oxygen and nitrogen cycle in detail.

5. What are the threats faced by biodiversity. What are the solutions for the threats?
(or) how will you conserve bio-diversity? (GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering)

6. Explain in detail the energy flow through the ecosystem.

7. Discuss the threats faced by Indian biodiversity.

8. Write a note on the endangered and endemic species of India.

9. What are the impacts of biodiversity loss?

10. Define the term hot spot in biodiversity. Explain any two in detail.

UNIT-II (GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering)

1. Mention the sources and effects of various air pollutants. Also describe the method of control of air pollution.

2. (i)Briefly describe the sources effects and control of noise pollution.
(ii) Discuss about OZONE layer depletion.

3. Enumerate with example the major sources of surface and ground water pollution.

4. (i) Explain the method of sewage water treatment.
(ii) How acid rain is formed? Explain its impact.

5. What are the major sources of soil pollution? And what are the measures to be
taken to prevent soil pollution? (GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering)

6. Explain in detail the Solid waste management techniques and the disposal of MSW.

7. (i) Explain any two case studies on Nuclear pollution. (ii) Explain in detail about
radioactive pollution.

8. What are the sources, effects & control measures of Marine pollution?

9. Explain the methods of disposal of municipal solid waste. Write notes on disposal of radio-active wastes.

10. (i)What are the causes of soil erosion and methods of preventing it.
(ii) Describe case study on industrial pollution.

(GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Environmental Science and Engineering)

Subject name Environmental Science Engineering
Subject Code GE8291
Regulation 2017 Regulation

GE8291 important questions 16 Marks Click here to download

GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering Important question

GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering Notes

GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering Syllabus

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