EE6602 Notes Embedded Systems
EE6602 Notes Embedded Systems Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. Embedded Systems Notes pdf free download.
To introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded System
Educate in Various Embedded Development Strategies
To Introduce Bus Communication in processors, Input/output interfacing.
Impart knowledge in Various processor scheduling algorithms.
To introduce Basics of Real time operating system and example tutorials to discuss on one realtime operating system tool.
OUTCOMES EE6602 Notes:
Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circuits.
TEXT BOOKS EE6602 Notes:
1. Rajkamal, ‘Embedded System-Architecture, Programming, Design’, Mc Graw Hill, 2013.
2. Peckol, “Embedded system Design”, John Wiley & Sons,2010.
3. Lyla B Das,” Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach”, Pearson, 2013
1. Shibu. K.V, “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, Tata Mcgraw Hill,2009.
2. Elicia White,” Making Embedded Systems”, O’ Reilly Series,SPD,2011.
3. Tammy Noergaard, “Embedded Systems Architecture”, Elsevier, 2006.
4. Han-Way Huang, ”Embedded system Design Using C8051”, Cengage Learning,2009.
5. Rajib Mall “Real-Time systems Theory and Practice” Pearson Education, 2007.
Synchronous Serial Input EE6602 Notes
The sender along with the serial bits also sends the clock pulses SCLK (serial clock) to the receiver port pin. The port synchronizes the serial data input bits with clock bits. Each bit in each byte as well as each byte in synchronization
Synchronization means separation by a constant interval or phase difference. If clock period = T, then each byte at the port is received at input in period = 8T.
The bytes are received at constant rates. Each byte at input port separates by 8T and data transfer rate or the serial line bits is (1/T) bps. [1bps = 1 bit per s]
Serial data and clock pulse-inputs
On same input line − when clock pulses either encode or modulate serial data input bits suitably. Receiver detects the clock pulses and receives data bits after decoding or demodulating.
Subject Name | Embedded Systems |
Subject Code | EE6602 |
Regulation | 2013 |
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