Important question

EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits Important questions Regulation 2013 Anna University

EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits Important questions

EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits Important questions Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EE6301 Important questions Digital Logic Circuits DLC pdf free download.

Sample EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits Important questions:

Part – A 2 Marks and part B 16 Marks

1. Where the digital systems are used?

Digital systems are used extensively in computation and data processing, control systems, Communications and measurements. Since digital systems are capable of greater accuracy and reliability than analog systems, many tasks formerly done by analog are now being performed digitally.

2. What is the difference between analog and digital systems?

In a digital system the physical quantities or signals can assume only discrete values, while in analog systems the physical quantities or signals vary continuously over a specified range. (EE6301 digital logic circuits important questions)

3. What is a binary number system and Why are binary numbers used in digital systems?

The number system with base (or radix) two is known as the binary number system. Only two symbols are used to represent the numbers in the system and these are 0 and 1.The outputs of the switching devices used in digital systems assume only two different values. Hence it is natural to use binary numbers internally in digital systems.

4. What is the difference between binary code and BCD? (EE6301 digital logic circuits important questions)


i. Any distinct element can be represented by a binary code.
ii. No limitation for the minimum or maximum number of elements required for coding the element.


i. Only a decimal digit can be represented.
ii. It is a four bit representation.

Subject Name Digital Logic Circuits
Subject code EE6301
Regulation 2013

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