Padeepz E-Learning Materials CY8151 Engineering Chemistry
Padeepz E-Learning Materials CY8151 Engineering Chemistry we have provided the sample materials in this page. If you like the sample and want to buy the full subject the procedure is also provided in the Video.
Boiler Feed Water
The water fed into the boiler for the production of steam is called boiler feed water
It should be free from
- Dissolved gases (O2,CO2,carbonic acid etc)
- Suspended impurities, oil and turbidity
- Dissolved salts, hardness causing substances and alkalinity
- It should be zero hardness
If the water is untreated, it leads to some troubles in the boiler
- Formation of deposits in steam boilers and heat exchangers (scale and sludge)
- Priming and foaming ( carry over )
- Caustic embrittlement
- Boiler corrosion
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