Anna University PG CGPA calculator regulation 2021


Anna University CGPA calculator regulation 2021 We at Padeepz have created this Anna University CGPA calculator regulation 2021


M.E. Computer Aided Design

M.E. Computer Integrated Manufacturing

M.E. Engineering Design

M.E. Internal Combustion Engineering

M.E. Manufacturing Engineering

Formula Used In CGPA Calculation:

The Formula used to calculate CGPA is

CGPA-Calculator Regulation 2017-Formula


n is number of all courses successfully cleared during the particular semester in the case of GPA

GPi is the point corresponding to the grade obtained for each course

Ci is the number of Credits assigned to the course

Grade System Followed for Regulation 2021:

Anna University has revised their Grade System which they follow previously and the upgraded grade system is provided for regulation 2021 .

Grade Grade Points
O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
RA (Re-appearance) 0
SA (Shortage of Attendance) 0
W (Withdrawal) 0

Important Note :

To get distinction Students must get atleast  8.5 CGPA With out any history of arrears in all their semesters.

To get First Class Students must get atleast  6.5 CGPA

If you find any errors in Anna University CGPA Calculator please comment us below.