List of Colleges Affiliated to Anna University
Anna University is a technical university in Tamil Nadu, India, named after Thiru C.N.Annadurai, a multi-faceted personality and the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, formed on 4th September 1978 as a unitary university.
The new university encompass College of Engineering, Guindy (one of the oldest technical institutes in the world and has a history spanning 220 years, Alagappa College of Technology, Madras Institute of Technology and the School of Architecture and Planning.
Anna University has a total of 596 colleges affilated to it . In here we have provided the list of colleges affiliated to anna university in the bases of region.
List of Colleges Affiliated to Anna University under headquarters Chennai Region
There are 179 number of colleges under headquarters chennai head quarters for which the college are divided by region to the respective districts are provided below
TIRUVANNAMALAI has 11 Colleges
List of Colleges Affiliated to Anna University under headquarters COIMBATORE Region
There are 207 number of colleges under headquarters coimbatore region for which the colleges are divided further into the respective districts are provided below
List of Colleges Affiliated to Anna University under headquarters TIRUCHIRAPPALLI Region
There are 89 number of colleges under headquarters Tiruchirappalli region for which the colleges are divided further into the respective districts are provided below
List of Colleges Affiliated to Anna University under headquarters MADURAI Region
There are 49 number of colleges under headquarters Madurai region for which the colleges are divided further into the respective districts are provided below
List of Colleges Affiliated to Anna University under headquarters TIRUNELVELI Region
There are 72 number of colleges under headquarters Tirunelveli region for which the colleges are divided further into the respective districts are provided below